Cheap and effective for prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate affects every third man in old age, according to unofficial sources. In medicine, all men aged 40 and over are at risk. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are common male diseases today that require competent treatment with drugs prescribed by a specialist doctor.

cheap drugs for prostatitis

Prostate adenoma is a hyperplasia of the gland, which is the result of the formation of small nodules that interfere with the presence of the normal process of urination. And if the disease is not treated, the neoplasm can easily turn into a malignant tumor. If you choose the right remedy for BPH, it will be benign.

Drug groups

The pharmaceutical market is full of various drugs for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate hyperplasia, sometimes it is very difficult to choose the right drug. In the case of adenomas, only a doctor should prescribe drugs, because all drugs are divided into groups according to composition, principle of action, degree of action, etc. The list can go on for a long time, an unknown person cannot cope with such a choice.

Drugs for the treatment of adenomas are divided into several groups:

  1. With androgens in the composition - they are used to treat prostatitis, because they increase the tone of the detrusor, facilitating the process of emptying the bladder.
  2. The composition assumes progesterone - the drugs are also called antiandrogens, in men they reduce the size of adenomas, and also promise an analgesic effect. In medical practice, such drugs are combined with electrophoresis, massage or phonophoresis.
  3. Herbal anti-inflammatory drugs - tablets and powders of this format have a longer effect, but at the same time guarantee a strong antiseptic effect. For the fight against prostatitis, as well as for the treatment of adenomas, coltsfoot, sage, primrose or dill, nettle or chamomile are used.

If the neoplasm is detected in time, treatment can be conservative and less harmful to the man's body with a good prognosis by experts. Also, doctors can prescribe probiotics to patients, because they improve the intestinal microflora, which increases the body's defenses.

Rectal suppositories

The most effective way to treat the prostate is considered to be the use of rectal suppositories with a great effect in the focus of the disease. Today, pharmacy departments offer a large selection of rectal suppositories to remove the inflammatory process in the prostate area. Experts advise the following:

  1. Suppositories with indomethacin, which help reduce edema, alleviate inflammation, contributing to normal prostate function. Candles can also be used in neglected cases.
  2. Ichthyol suppositories - initially restore the normal process of blood circulation, at the same time provide analgesic and antiseptic effect. Despite the specific smell, candles are absolutely harmless and have no contraindications.
  3. Suppositories with propolis are cheap and effective suppositories for relieving pain when emptying the bladder with excellent anti-inflammatory effect. They can also be used without a prescription for prophylaxis.

It is not fully known whether prostate adenoma can be cured with topical medications, but more often doctors prescribe complex treatments to suppress the process of tissue proliferation. Rectal suppositories are almost always used because they act locally on the lesion.


As for tablets, all existing effective drugs for internal use today can also be divided into several groups:

  • Antispasmodics - such pills aim to relieve muscle spasm, relax muscles, which promotes better blood circulation. The treatment will be effective, and the tablets for which he chooses a specialist.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - in the case of acute adenoma, which drugs to treat the disease should be decided by the doctor, you should also choose a drug to relieve inflammation. Indications for their use are prostatitis and adenoma, and their timely application prevents the transition of the disease into a chronic form.
  • Antibiotics for prostate adenoma - such drugs are applicable if the adenoma is caused by infections or bacteria that affect the prostate.

Numerous modern drugs of the new generation are in great demand, because there are fewer contraindications and side effects for their use. In order for antibiotics for prostate adenoma to help in treatment, you must strictly follow the instructions and dosage prescribed by your doctor.


Treatment without surgery in the case of adenoma is possible if the patient seeks the help of a specialist in the initial stage of the development of hyperplasia. Injections that help increase the strength of the immune system can be prescribed to quickly suppress the process of excessive tissue growth. The speed of disease development depends on the immune system, so immunomodulators are often included in the treatment complex.

Such drugs promote the regeneration of damaged tissues, a prerequisite for successful conservative treatment. In addition, they protect the gland from the negative effects of the virus. The course of therapy and the required doses are determined by a specialist doctor.


Conservative treatment or prevention of prostatitis can be carried out with homeopathic preparations based on plant extracts and extracts. Phytopreparations have no side effects and contraindications, they have a gentle effect on the affected organ in a complex way.

Sometimes a Chinese urological patch can be used, because its components also help to alleviate the condition of the prostate, alleviate inflammation, edema, relieve pain and strengthen the immune system. It is only important to start treatment on time and not self-medicate.

The cheapest and most effective suppositories for prostatitis

Rectal suppositories for prostatitis and prostate adenoma are widely used in medicine. Their use is very convenient because they have a direct effect on the affected gland. Due to the local nature of the impact, they are devoid of such unpleasant side effects as irritation of the stomach and intestines. In terms of speed of action, they are also superior to drugs in tablets. All this makes the use of suppositories for prostatitis one of the most effective means in the complex of therapeutic measures for men's diseases.

Indications and characteristics of use

Given the question of the benefits of rectal suppositories (suppositories) in the treatment of prostate disease, it should be noted that these funds can not be used as the only way to treat the disease. The symptoms and treatment of these diseases are well known and include a variety of therapeutic interventions.

A good effect from the use of suppositories can be achieved with the following pathologies:

  • acute and chronic prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • infectious lesions of the urinary tract;
  • complications of prostatitis.

In addition, suppositories can be useful in preparing the patient for prostate surgery, as well as in the postoperative recovery period.

Compared to drugs in other forms of release, rectal suppositories for men should be used, taking into account their characteristics.

They should be used in accordance with certain rules:

  • it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use of the drug in terms of its interaction with other drugs;
  • before using candles it is necessary to clean the intestines by going to the toilet and make a microenema for cleansing;
  • to ensure maximum contact with the prostate, the candle should be inserted only in a supine position;
  • after the introduction of the candle, it is better to lie on your stomach for another half an hour while the drug is absorbed;
  • the procedure is better done in the evening before bedtime.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve the maximum possible result by using anal plugs for prostatitis.

Classification of assets that can be used

There are many different remedies for male diseases that are produced in the form of rectal suppositories. They are classified according to active ingredients and mode of action. In that sense, when the symptoms of the disease appear, it is important to know which suppositories to use.

There are such types of candles:

  1. Antimicrobial. Prostatitis suppositories with antibiotics can effectively fight infection. They also have antispasmodic properties. Rifampicin is commonly used as the active ingredient in this type of suppository. This is an antibiotic from the ansacimin group. It has the property of good penetration into tissues and fluids, which provides it with the best performance.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. A positive effect is achieved by including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in their composition. Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are an integral part of a complex of therapeutic measures. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the presence of NSAIDs allows the use of such suppositories to relieve pain and significantly reduce swelling. In addition, such suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma promote regeneration of affected tissues.
  3. Suppositories for pain for prostatitis. The component of such suppositories must necessarily be an agent having analgesic action. Paracetamol is usually used for this. This drug is considered one of the safest, and may cause antipyretic action. In addition, painkillers for prostatitis may contain analgesics.
  4. Antifungal. Suppositories of this type are used in cases when the cause of the disease is a fungal infection.
  5. Immunostimulating. In addition to strengthening the immune system, these suppositories can also have antimicrobial action.

The most commonly used drugs

The list of suppositories for prostatitis is quite extensive. Candles can be used as soon as the first signs of illness appear. Antibacterial suppositories for prostatitis are used only according to the doctor's instructions.

Candles you made yourself

In cases when the patient for any reason can not use industrial drugs and is well versed in folk remedies, suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis can be made independently.

Here is the simplest recipe:

  1. Propolis, beeswax, goat's or lamb's fat in equal parts must be mixed with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath and heat, stirring occasionally, until it becomes evenly thick.
  3. Blind suppositories from the resulting substance. One candle should be 5 cm long and 1 cm in diameter.

Candles made in this way are stored in the refrigerator.

The use of handmade propolis suppositories has a proven positive effect on prostatitis. However, using them, it should be noted that the course of treatment with them is quite long.

In addition to propolis, the following components can be used to prepare suppositories:

  • sea buckthorn oil;
  • honey;
  • cocoa butter;
  • butter.